“Live out of your imagination, not your history.” – Stephen R. Covey

Reality is Subjective

How do some individuals achieve a level of success that seems impossible for most other people?

Short answer: They believed it was possible.

They believed when they first dared to dream big. And they found ways to constantly keep the belief alive until their goal was achieved.

Before we go any further, here’s a little teaser:

Believe it or not, this article contains a video clip of a man walking on water.

It sounds impossible, but he dreamed big and found a way to achieve it in remarkable fashion.

Fertilize Your Dreams

After the initial excitement of a new goal fades and the reality of effort sets in, it is critical that we find ways to keep the belief alive.

Visualization is a powerful tool for transforming dreams into reality. When we repetitively see the final result of a goal in our mind, in a photograph, or in a movie clip, our subconscious starts to believe that it has already happened.

Clay Collins of The Growing Life blog wrote a wonderful article on Visual Goal Setting. He suggests manipulating an image to visually represent your goal as if it already existed.

Clay explains:

“The idea is that photoshopped goals help your subconscious believe that you can attain things previously thought impossible. Getting your sub-conscious to buy into a goal radically empowers you to materialize the goal in real life…”

I’ve used visual goal reminders while fight training. I have images of my dream beach-house in Hawaii and an all-electric Tesla Roadster on my vision board.

But my favorite image for the last 6 months is a little more abstract. It’s that funny image at the top of this blog with a business man running on water.

The image helps me be mindful of the following:

  • To run with passion in the direction I’ve chosen.
  • The business suit symbolizes my focus on career at this point in my life.
  • When performing miracles like walking on water, ignore the doubters and follow the arrow on my one-way sign.

I love that image. It brings a smile to my face. It’s the wallpaper on my Macbook Pro so I see it all the time.

As promised, here is a clip of Criss Angel walking on water (while walking over and around moving people, and losing a shoe).

Some may choose to call it an illusion. I see it as defining your own rules to achieve something incredible.


Inspiration credit: I’d like to thank Barbara Swafford of Blogging Without A Blog for the post idea. She challenged her readers to study a picture that they liked and write a post about it.

What is your favorite motivational image? Please share in the comments below.